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Using v-model

We tried to do everything to make the use of this library comfortable. One of those moments it's a v-model directive. The form description says that all dependent elements depend on the state form, not the exact modelValue passed in. However, if the name property is not specified for the input field input is given exactly by model-value:

Don't use modelValue with name

Using v-model(:modelValue) and name at the same time causes the form state to be saved in two places: directly in the form and in the variable passed in modelValue. We do not recommend using both of these properties together. Use ComputedValue instead and setValues to get and change values.


     <input-field name="city"/>
     <input-field v-model="input"/>
<script setup>
import {InputField} from "jenesius-vue-form";

const input = ref("");


     <input-field name="city"/>
     <input-field v-model="input"/>
<script setup>
import {InputField} from "jenesius-vue-form";

const input = ref("");


In this example, we are registering two input fields. One will be attached to a form named city and the other will not depend on the form, in which case it will rely on the value from modelValue.

Also don't forget to use v-model manual settings, this example is well described in documentation for Vue. Using such a mechanism you can get a non-editable field:

     <input-field label="City" v-model="value"/>
     <input-field label = "City (Local)" :model-value = "value"/>
     <input-field label="City" v-model="value"/>
     <input-field label = "City (Local)" :model-value = "value"/>

A simple example is sufficient, where even when entering or selecting a value, the state of the field will not change. However, once we add the name property, model-value will be ignored and you can also see this in the console warning:

     <input-field label="City" v-model="value"/>
     <input-field label = "City (Local)" :model-value = "value" name = "city"/>
     <input-field label="City" v-model="value"/>
     <input-field label = "City (Local)" :model-value = "value" name = "city"/>

Now the second field depends on the state of the form, and not on the modelValue.

Released under the MIT License.